
Off Broadway Boutique closing its doors on Dec. 31

December 20, 2019   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It has been a popular place for unique fashions in Orangeville, but after seven years, the Off Broadway Boutique will be closing at the end of the month.

Originally located on Mill Street, off Broadway, hence the trendy name, the Boutique moved to a Broadway location last year.

Owner Heather Burke said a number of factors led her to the decision to close the store and move on to other things.

In part, she said, the move to online shopping by many people convinced her that “shopping habits are changing.”

“I’ve been in the business many years,” Ms. Burke said, “It’s been almost 35 years since I started working in retail.”

She attended retail management at Sheridan College then entered a career in retail with an interest in fashion.

Ms. Burke started at Marks and Spencer before moving to Sussman’s in Arthur.

“Sussman’s was really where I got all the knowledge about the business,” she explained. “I opened Off Broadway in 2011. We moved to this location about a year ago. My lease was up on Mill Street and I was told to give actual Broadway and we did. On a positive note, I’m not complaining about the relocation, it’s just that the retail climate has changed so much with on-line shopping. I think it started with the millennials – I didn’t see them out shopping. And now my generation is getting more savvy and more comfortable with shopping on line. I think I’m getting out at the right time.”

Closing the store doesn’t mean Ms. Burke is finished with retail.

“I’m not done yet,” she said, adding she will take some time off to think of future plans.

Off Broadway has gained a real fan base in Orangeville and the surrounding area due to the available fashions and quality of the clothing.

One customer who visited the shop during this interview said “Thanks to Off Broadway, there are lot of good looking well dressed women in Orangeville.”

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