October 13, 2017 · 0 Comments
Orangeville Police arrested and charged a 21-year-old Pelee Island man with impaired driving after an incident outside a local hotel.
At about 3:10 a.m. Monday, October 2, police received a call from a Best Western Inn & Suites staff member advising that three males in the hotel’s parking lot were causing a disturbance.
“The caller was also concerned that the three males were possibly intoxicated and were about to leave in a vehicle,” the Orangeville Police Service (OPS) said in a news release.
“Police attended the location of the hotel and were not able to locate the vehicle or the males in question. A short time later, the vehicle was located back on Buena Vista Drive and was stopped by police as it entered the hotel parking lot. Police investigated the driver and two passengers with regards to the concerns of the hotel employee.”
As a result, Cole Blue Lafferty, 21, of Pelee Island, was arrested and charged with operating a motor vehicle with over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. His driver’s licence was automatically suspended and his vehicle impounded for seven days. He is scheduled to appear in court in Orangeville on October 17 to answer to the allegations.
The OPS said the force “has laid 21 drinking and driving criminal charges so far this year.”
Stunt driving charge laid
A 42-year-old Kenilworth driver was clocked travelling 64 km/h over the posted speed limit on Broadway last Thursday morning.
An Orangeville police officer was conducting traffic enforcement on Broadway near Diane Drive, an area with a posted 50 km/h speed limit where police receive many complaints of excessive speeds. At approximately 11:50 a.m., police observed a westbound 2003 Ford F-150 that was clocked travelling at 114 km/h.
The vehicle was directed to stop and the driver, Zdravko Barkovich, 42, of Kenilworth was arrested and charged with Stunt Driving – driving more than 50km/h over the posted speed limit. He was also charged with possession of a controlled substance and breach of probation.
Police seized a small quantity of what was believed to be marijuana and the man’s vehicle. As well, the accused man received a seven-day licence suspension and is scheduled to appear in court in Orangeville on November 6 to answer to the allegations.
Charge laid in ongoing drug probe
Orangeville Police have arrested and charged a 28-year-old male with drug-related offences.
As a result of an ongoing drug investigation, police stopped a vehicle in the area of Century Drive and Townline at 5:10 p.m. Wednesday of last week, October 4. Kyle Anthony Hugh Kelly, 28, of Grand Valley, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, driving while disqualified and breach of probation.
Police seized a small quantity of what was believed to be crack cocaine and vehicle was also seized. The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court in Orangeville on November 6 to answer to the allegations.
Orangeville Police are continuing to investigate incidents involving illicit drug activity within the community. Anyone having information with regards to drug incidents or any other crime is encouraged to call the Orangeville Police Service at 519-941-2522 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.crimestopperssdm.com.
Settlements confirmed
The Orangeville Police Services Board has released a Notice to Town of Orangeville Taxpayers confirming that settlements had been reached in lawsuits by the families of murder victim Heidi Ferguson and Adam Sprague, who died while in police custody.
“The Orangeville Police Services Board confirms that both the Ferguson and Sprague matters were settled. At the advice of our counsel, we were advised not to issue a press release on this matter and when we received a media inquiry, counsel indicated that we could confirm a settlement had been reached. Typically settlements are confidential to protect those involved.
“As all municipal councillors are aware, lawsuits are common to municipalities including the Town of Orangeville. As is the Town of Orangeville’s practice, the Orangeville Police Services Board refers these matters to the insurer. These settlements did not affect our budget and were not paid by the taxpayers.”