
 Two local houses awarded for exterior preservation for Heritage Week

February 17, 2022   ·   0 Comments

For Ontario Heritage Week, which runs Feb. 21 to 27, two awards were presented to local residents from Heritage Orangeville for their thoughtful approach to exterior restoration.

Coun. Debbie Sherwood, chair of Heritage Orangeville announced the two award recipients during a Council meeting on Monday (Feb. 14).

The first award went to 33 First Street, which is owned by Elizabeth Rutyna and Jack Diberardino.  

The property was valued at $1,600 in 1877 when it was owned by general merchants George Eastman and Kearns.

“The recent renovations done to this home include the side addition to the north of the residence beautifully complementing the 19th century Italianate style of architecture. The local red brick is enhanced by the deep charcoal colour of the decorative shutters and trim,” said Coun. Sherwood.

The second award went to 12 York Street, which is owned by Thomas and Susan Kydd. The home was originally built by John Rowan and his brother in 1888 at a cost of $500.

“Another Italianate structure, the Committee recognizes the considered approach to colour on the exterior trim and the well-preserved supporting brackets, buff brick details, as well as the addition of the stone path,” said Coun. Sherwood.

“Congratulations to these well deserving recipients from Heritage Orangeville and Town Council and we will be contacting the recipients to receive their certificates.”

Following Coun. Sherwood’s presentation, Mayor Sandy Brown commented on what he’s been observing around Orangeville.

“There’s been some marvellous renovations of residential and commercial buildings in Town, so I think there’s some other candidates out there for recognition as well going forward,” he noted.

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