June 4, 2021 · 0 Comments
The Town of Orangeville opened its splash pads at Fendley and Everykids parks on Friday, May 28. The splash pads operate from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day of the week until their closure in the fall.
Following the provincial announcement that splash pads could re-open on May 22, the Town has worked with Public Health to identify and satisfy their requirements for a safe re-opening.
These popular recreation amenities will have some rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some of the safety measures will include physical distancing and participant limits. A limit of 30, at the current time, may mean spending a shorter time at the splash pad and/or line-ups.
Town staff will be at each splash pad periodically through the day for enhanced cleaning of the washrooms, which will be closed for a short time to allow staff to complete the cleaning. The Town asks that parents talk to their children about social distancing and be mindful of taking turns as splash pads are expected to be busy.
Community services general manager Ray Osmond says the COVID protocols will require everyone’s co-operation, in order for everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience.