November 2, 2016 · 0 Comments
The Town of Orangeville is reaching out to local residents in an attempt to generate some feedback regarding the municipality’s short-term plans and priorities moving forward.
Identified as Orangeville’s corporate Strategic Plan, the Town is looking for public input as it prepares to put together a five-year “road map” for the future. Essentially, the document will provide a framework to guide the strategic direction of the municipality from 2017 to 2021.
According to a press release sent out by the municipality, the strategic plan will work to clarify the priorities that the Town will focus on, select broad strategies so as to give the Town the best chance to achieve its pre-set goals as well as identifying ways to measure the progress the municipality is making in reaching those goals.
“Input from the community is a vital component of the strategic plan and will allow community members to share their ideas and help to identify key priorities and actions for the future of our community,” the Town’s release reads. “The survey will be open for several weeks and we encourage members of the public to visit to participate, or pick up a paper copy of the survey at Town Hall, recreation centres and libraries.”
It continues, “This is your opportunity to tell council what’s important to you.”