November 2, 2023 · 0 Comments
An “active pedestrian” in Orangeville sees ways the town can improve its thoroughfares.
Matthew Smith told council during its Oct. 30 regular meeting that he put a call out to various social media groups and asked about locations that need to be improved to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
Four locations he suggested to council were First Street between Elizabeth Street and Fifth Avenue, which has 700 metres between existing crosswalks; Broadway between Second Street and Sherbourne Street, which has 600 metres between crosswalks; Fourth Avenue at Zehrs grocery store has a 200-metre gap with a bus stop along that stretch; and he said traffic lights are needed on Elizabeth Street at the Dufferin County courthouse.
Smith said there are criteria in the Ontario Traffic Manual that describe suitable areas in which a crosswalk is justified. The formula involves pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic over a four- or eight-hour period.
“But there’s another section … that says if the pedestrian and vehicle volume requirements aren’t met, if there is a pedestrian desire line then that can be examined for a potential crossing site,” he said.
Another criterion that can be used is if the site is more than 200 metres away from an existing traffic control device, then that site is a possible pedestrian crosswalk location.
The First Street between Elizabeth Street and Fifth Avenue location has much residential development happening, the most recent being a 40-unit townhouse complex.
The Broadway between Second Street and Sherbourne Street location will see future residential intensification, he said.
And, he said, the Orangeville Official Plan 2020 states that the council supports creating an environment conducive to cycling and pedestrian circulation.
Smith suggested council have staff investigate some of the aforementioned possibilities for crosswalks.
“Those are things that I would like to see one day,” said Councillor Tess Prendergast. “Perhaps more frequent stops for people to cross the street, especially along the corridor along Broadway by the Tim Hortons there.”
She said there’s a possibility for another pedestrian crossway to be funded in the 2024 municipal budget.
Tony Dulisse, the town’s transportation and development manager, said there’s a line item for a crosswalk at Wellington Street.
Prendergast suggested some of Smith’s proposed locations could be considered for the 2025 municipal budget.
“I would love to have safe pedestrian crossings and sidewalks everywhere,” she said. “But there’s so many multi-layered budgetary considerations.”