April 13, 2017 · 0 Comments
ONE OF OUR FAVOURITE warnings puts it succinctly, “Buckle Up! It’s the Law!”
The good news this week was that the number of fatalities on roads patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police that were attributed to failure to use seat belts reached a record low last year.
The bad news was that the same failure nevertheless led to 45 deaths, which surely must be seen as 45 too many.
That being the case, we applaud the OPP’s plan to conduct a seat belt campaign over the Easter long weekend, which starts tonight (Maundy Thursday).
Statistics released by the OPP indicate that seat belt use has increased significantly since January 1, 1976, when Ontario became the first province to pass a law requiring vehicle occupants to wear seat belts. They show that the number of deaths blamed on failure to obey the law declined from 168 in 1977 to 46 in 2015 and the 45 last year.
We’ll obviously never know why those 45 individuals failed to buckle up. Maybe they figured they were invincible or that air bags were all they needed. But air bags aren’t designed to prevent your being flung from a vehicle in a head-on crash or a rollover.