December 1, 2016 · 0 Comments
Dear Editor
You said in your editorial that Saskatchewan will soon be the only province without a carbon tax. PM Trudeau is determined to change that, and probably will because the Saskatchewan government is Conservative. (Liberals have a history of retribution.)
Saskatchewan seeks an exemption from a carbon tax because it has the only process that actually reduces CO2 in the atmosphere. Coal is burned to generate electrical energy, the effluent (smoke) is scrubbed clean of sulfur, etc and the CO2 is compressed into a liquid that is pumped to a nearby depleted oil well. There the CO2 is piped into the ground to force remaining oil to the surface and sequester the CO2. The oil company pays for the processing.
Apart from planting trees – which developers keep clear-cutting to build more homes (eg, along Orangeville’s Highway 109 bypass) – there is no other process known to me that sequesters CO2. I think Saskatchewan should be praised, not taxed, for its efforts.
Charles Hooker
East Garafraxa