
Property values updated despite 2016 assessment pause: MPAC

April 6, 2023   ·   0 Comments


Municipal relationships are a priority at the corporation that assesses Ontario’s property values.

That was the message brought to Orangeville council Monday (Apr. 3) by Anne Haines, regional manager for Zone 1 at the Municipal Property Assessment Corp.

“We want to continue to elevate the municipal and property owner experience,” she said.

MPAC assesses more than 5.5 million properties across the province with a combined value of $3 trillion.

“Every municipality uses our assessments to make informed decision about their community, including the distribution of property tax,” Haines said.

The system is based on a partnership, she said, between the provincial government, the corporation, municipalities, and individual property owners.

“Maintaining Ontario’s property database is very important,” she said. “Our data is continuously changing and needing to be updated so that municipal records are accurate when our municipalities are making important tax decisions.”

Maintaining that database means inspecting existing properties and assessing new construction.

“The reassessment that was scheduled to occur in 2020 was postponed by the province to provide stability and certainty to Ontarians and enable municipalities to focus on responding to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.

That means properties continue to be valued based on assessments conducted as of January 2016.

“This should not have a negative financial impact on municipalities,” she said. “MPAC continues to maintain and update assessment roles annually to reflect changes such as new construction and improvements to properties.”

Although the assessment calendar remains paused, the work at the corporation of keeping information updated continues.

She said the next assessment date has yet to be set by the province.

Councillor Debbie Sherwood said a 2016 valuation date isn’t realistic anymore and, as such, it’s time properties were reassessed.

Haines said the province sets that date and MPAC is also anxiously awaiting the next valuation date.

“When they’re ready to announce it, we’re at the ready,” she said.

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