
Orangeville Tigers start new season with modified play

September 18, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The Orangeville Tigers are back on the ice for the 2020 / 21 season. 

There are restrictions in place as the girls teams get out on the ice to play their game.

The Tigers have put together a Return to Play model that follows the guidelines of the Hockey Canada, Ontario Women’s Hockey Association, the Town of Orangeville, and the Public Health Unit.

The year the season will consist of two blocks. 

The first block will run from September 1, to December 31, commening with a minimum of two weeks of skills development.

House league players will be placed on teams at the end of September after coaches balance out players to produce competitive teams.

Once approval is given by the OWHA, teams will begin playing games in a modified situation. 

Teams will play three-on-three or four-on-four depending on age level.

The Association is hoping modified games will commence by mid October but they will need approval from the OWHA before that can happen.

There will no be try-outs for rep teams during this time. That will be reassessed in future.

However, girls that played on a rep team will be contacted by a rep coach to see of they are interested in skating with that team. 

House league players that are interested in being considered for a rep team for this year can check the appropriate box on the registration form.

Rep teams started their season the week of September 8. They will be playing four-on-four hockey.

Block two of the season will start on January 1, and run through to the end of March. 

There are no plans for a Lower Lakes League , playoffs, playdowns, tournaments or Provincials at the current time.

During that time, the Tigers executive will be reassessing the guidelines that the OWHA has put in place and deteriming if the season will continue with modified game play. 

Registration for the 2020 / 21 season is now on the Tigers’ website.

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