
Orangeville A’s split the weekend on home court

March 23, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The Orangeville’s A’s split the weekend during home games at the Athlete Institute.

On Friday night the squad hosted the Kitchener-Waterloo Titans in a game that saw the A’s have a huge comeback in the fourth quarter to take the lead and go on to win the game.

Falling behind in the first quarter and starting the second quarter trailing 26-21, the A’s managed to tie the game at 33 but again fell behind by four points when the buzzer sounded at the half.

The Orangeville squad took over the lead in the third quarter led by Stefan Nastic who hit the hoop for 13 points and the A’s went ahead on a 65-60 lead.

The Titans fought back and after an eight-point run led the game 82-71 at the end of the quarter.

Orangeville came out hard in the final quarter notching 15 points by the seven minute mark into the quarter.

They kept up the pressure for the remainder of the night to leave the court with a 104-99 win over the Titans.

The A’s were back on home court the fol

lowing night to host the London Lightning.

A frustrating first quarter saw the A’s drop ping an 11 point lead to the Lightning in the early going. They closed the gap but at the end of the quarter they were trailing by nine. The second period saw the teams

match ing baskets which kept the A’s be

hind in the scoring and when the buzzer sounded at the half the Orangville team was trailing by six points.

The London lead was at ten points when

the third quarter ended putting the pres

sure on the A’s for a big final run in the

fourth. The Lightning put out a big effort

generating offense from the inside and the end result was a109-91 for the London team.

The A’s will be back on home court to again take on the Lightning on Sunday, March 26.. Game time is 3:00 p.m.

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