
New lead at DC MOVES

January 18, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Pickford

There is a new, familiar face in charge of operations at DC MOVES.

Elaine Capes, a former Mono councillor and prolific local volunteer, took over as head coordinator with the organization shortly before the new year.

Founded in 2016 by Dufferin County Community Services and Headwaters Communities in Action, DC MOVES (Dufferin County Managing Organizing Visualizing Engagement Strategy), was designed to focus on three priority pillars: community wellbeing, poverty reduction and resource sharing.

Having spent the best part of a decade sitting on various boards throughout the community, Ms. Capes was keen to test her hand and make a real difference across the municipality.

“I feel I bring many unique talents and strengths to the role. Along with the knowledge and experience I gained from a multi-faceted 30-year corporate career and sitting on various community boards, my passion for project management will help me as I help to tackle a number of important issues in Dufferin County,” Ms. Capes said. “I like setting goals, making decisions, organizing resources to accomplish a task and working efficiently with people and systems that are well organized.”

She added, “I consider myself a lifelong learner and strategic thinker. I like acquiring new knowledge and skills and love to create alternative ways to approach problems.”

Her first big project has been helping to set up a Community Poverty Reduction Summit, which took place in Orangeville yesterday. Ms. Capes says the organization’s goals have been continuously evolving since its creation just under two years ago. However, trying to reduce poverty in Dufferin County has been a “priority” in recent times.

“We’re definitely looking at different approaches to try and impact and address poverty in Dufferin County. We have around 6,000 people living in poverty in Dufferin County. That is an incredible amount. We’re looking to do all we can to help tackle what has been a very concerning issue,” Ms. Capes said.

The organization is hoping to do that through the links it has created in the community. To date, DC MOVES lists more than 75 different community groups and organizations as partners in the region. Those members are invited to participate in quarterly forums, while they are also subscribed to a twice monthly e-bulletin, updating them on what exactly the organization is currently working on.

“DC MOVES has been a great success in its first two years. Our hope now is that we can push on from the platform we have been able to build and help to make a real difference in Dufferin County,” Ms. Capes said.

For more information on DC MOVES, visit

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