June 4, 2021 · 0 Comments
By Peter Richardson
A motion to better regulate the building of so called “monster homes” in Mono, was brought forward by Deputy Mayor John Creelman during Mono’s Council meeting last Tuesday (May 25).
His motion suggested that the Town’s planning director, David Trotman, bring back to Council a comprehensive report outlining bylaw and/or official plan changes, that would establish a site plan process for larger residential homes, defining the size and conditions that would apply through a site plan process for these large structures.
He requested the plan be returned to Council no later than August 1st.
Coun. Ralph Manktelow immediately supported the motion, saying that one such home existed as an eyesore on 2nd Line and had such a process been in effect when it was built, Council could have mitigated the visual impact of that home.
He then asked the Planning Director for clarification of the difference between residential and commercial site plan approvals. Mr. Trotman pointed out that residential site plan approvals are usually applied to medium and high-density residential areas and not low-density single-family homes. They include things such as parking, entrances, etc.
Mr. Trotman went on to explain that low density is generally regulated by coverage, gross floor area or maximum sizes based on various lot sizes.
Coun. Manktelow then asked if it was a requirement of commercial property site plans to come before Council for approval. Mr. Trotman replied that under certain circumstances it does come before Council, but not necessarily. Coun. Manktelow thought that perhaps this should be a requirement for large residential builds.
Town CAO Mark Early said that it was really a matter of scale, saying that a 10,000 square foot house on two acres was a lot different than the same house on 100 acres.
Deputy Mayor Creelman added that it was also a matter of set back and where you placed the house on the land. He did not want the structures to be impinging upon neighbours, roadways etc.
He went on to allude to the existing good examples in Mono. The motion was carried unanimously.