
Local Police won’t randomly stop vehicles to check stay-at-home order compliance

January 21, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Sam Odrowski

Many Orangeville residents have been wondering about the authority police have under Ontario’s stay-at-home orders and provincial emergency. 

Coun. Todd Taylor, Chair of the Orangeville Police Services Board said the OPP are not conducting random stops to ask citizens where they’re going or what their purpose is. Solely checking for compliance goes against a government memo provided to police on how to enforce the new lockdown rules. 

However, the police can pull people over for random safety checks, such as alcohol checks, so nothing has changed there. 

If pulled over for a safety check, driving infraction or some other reason, police can ask you where you are going, as this is a common historical practice, where the citizen and officer have a conversation, noted Coun. Taylor. 

He says if you are stopped, be kind, be pleasant and unless you are doing something wrong, the Orangeville/Dufferin OPP have no interest in giving you a ticket. 

Coun. Taylor added that we are at a critical time and have been asked to stay home, which should be respected. 

The Shelburne Police say they won’t be conducting random stops as well. They’re method of enforcement is compliance driven with those refusing to comply receiving a penalty. 

Meanwhile, the OPP said officers will be enforcing the order by focusing on non-compliance in businesses and restaurants, complaints from the public 

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