
Junior Orangeville Bengals split doubleheader with Creemore Padres

June 15, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The Orangeville Junior Bengals are still looking to get on the plus side after taking a few narrow losses early in the season.

They dropped in the standings after losing both games of a doubleheader to the Orillia Royals early in the season, followed by a one-run, 4-3 loss to the Innisfil Cardinals.

They picked up a couple of wins early in June with a comeback win over Innisfil and a 13-9 win over Georgina.

A doubleheader on Saturday, June 10, pitted the Bengals against the Creemore Padres at Princess of Wales Park in Orangeville.

In the first game of the day, the Padres managed to pull ahead to leave the diamond with a 10-3 win.

After taking a break, the teams returned for the second game of the afternoon.

This time the Bengals got the lead and held on for a 10-5 win.

After the final game, the Bengals have a 4-6 record for the season with eight games left on the regular season schedule.

The Orillia Royals continue to lead the league and are in first place with an undefeated 9-0 record.

They are followed by the Creemore Padres in second place, the Innisfil Cardinals in third, the Barrie Baycats in fourth place, and the Georgina Bulldogs in fifth.

The Bengals are currently in the number six spot, with the Mansfield Cubs in the basement with zero wins this season.

The Bengals will be back at their home diamond at Princess of Wales Park in Orangeville on Saturday, June 17, when they will host the Georgina Bulldogs.

Game time is scheduled for 4:00 p.m.

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