
It’s not that simple

November 15, 2016   ·   0 Comments

THE EASY THING to say is that the “average” Orangeville homeowner will face a 3.5 per cent increase in next year’s property taxes.

Unfortunately, that over-simplifies it. For one thing, the budget approved by town council Monday night applies only to the town’s portion of the property tax bill, and the final percentage increase on everyone’s tax bill will depend on how much will be claimed by Dufferin County Council and the Ontario government through its education levy.

More importantly this year, everyone’s tax bill will be affected to some extent by a re-assessment of all properties carried out last year by the Municipal Property Assessment Corpor-ation (MPAC), which showed an average increase in property values of 18 per cent since 2012. That means some residents will find their tax bills going up a lot more than other residents’, simply because the assessors felt the value of the particular property had risen more.

So don’t be surprised when you get your bill!

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