
Hundreds of kids turn out for Family of Schools cross-country run

October 14, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It’s been a few years since the Dufferin Family of Schools held its annual cross country run event due to COVID-19 restrictions, but the fun and exercise was back this this year as hundreds of kids turned out to see who could cross the finish line first at the Tuesday, Oct. 4 event.

A total of 16 schools were involved from the region.

Almost 800 kids took part in the run with students up to grade eight competing.

The event took place at the Agricultural Centre and followed a course around the grounds led by a teacher on an ATV who made sure the proper route was followed, and a student on a bicycle who followed behind to make sure those at the rear of the pack could complete the race. The event got underway at 10:00 a.m. with the first race.

Students gathered at the start line wearing their school colours in groups of as many as 50 for each race.

Once the starting horn sounded, some students started off in a sprint to get ahead of the pack while others chose a slower start so they could pace themselves over the 2k route.

There was a large contingent of parents and grandparents along the route to cheer them on, especially at the midway mark where it was getting tough.

In almost every race there was a small group of runners who managed to pull out ahead of the pack and lead the way around the course. Some of the races ended with a real battle for first place as they approached the finish line.

Several students posted pretty impressive times on the course.

It was a good day for the students to have some time outdoors and be with other kids from around the region for some friendly competition.

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