May 16, 2024 · 0 Comments
To The Editor,
Recently, Premier Ford and Transportation Minister Singh Sarkaria announced that construction on Highway 413 will start next year. This is not reality. The highway hasn’t been designed, the land hasn’t been acquired and although Premier Ford can change the laws in Ontario to expedite construction, he can’t change federal laws including the Species At Risk and Fisheries Act. The 413 is at least a decade away from seeing a car.
Trucks represent 30% of the traffic on the 401. They could be diverted to the 407 by next month if the budget for the 413 was used to subsidize truck tolls. No environmental disasters, significantly reduced traffic on the 401, farms would be preserved and 407 Inc. is interested because it’s revenue for them. This is good public policy and everyone wins right now.
Why isn’t this obvious, easy and immediate solution to improve transportation around the GTA being considered by the Ford government? The answer is obvious as well, it doesn’t make money for Ford’s friends. We need to remember who Ford is working for when we vote in June of 2026.
Sharon Sommerville
Mono, Ontario