
High school sports returning with full schedule

October 6, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

After two full seasons of limited sports available at the high school level, varsity sports are back with a full schedule this year.

The school sports scene pretty much disappeared two years ago and last year’s spectators were not allowed into schools to watch games that were played with a limited schedule. Some teams won championships with no one to cheer them on.

The rules have been relaxed this year and parents and fans are once again allowed into school gyms to watch high school sports.

Locally, high schools will compete in District 4 and District 10 competition. Districts are determined by school population.

Fall sports include ODSS District 10 junior girls basketball, cross-country, girls field hockey, boys junior and senior soccer, and boys junior volleyball.

In District 4, which includes Westside Secondary school, there is senior girls basketball, cross country, senior boy soccer, junior and senior boys volleyball.

Early in the season, the ODSS junior girls Bears basketball team has gotten off to a good start and moved into first place with a 3-0 record.

The ODSS girls varsity field hockey team are also doing well and are in second place with a 3-1 record in an eight-team field.

In District 4 competition, the Westside Thunder senior boys soccer team is in first place and undefeated after three games.

District 4 boys volleyball is scheduled to start this week and will have a 12 game schedule for both junior and senior teams.

There are seven high schools in the region participating in District 4 sports this year.

In District 10, there are nine schools in the region who are fielding teams in various sports this this year.

There several sports not being offered this year mostly due to lack of participation.

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