
Cycling and Trails Master Plan sets direction for trail improvements

June 21, 2019   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Baker

The Cycling and Trails Master Plan (CTMP), completed this year with provincial and municipal funding, will be a factor in Orangeville’s future development. 

The plan, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited, was presented to Orangeville Council on May 27. It is a comprehensive update to the Town’s original Trails Master Plan Study from 2008 and the development of a new cycling plan.

Incorporating best practices, the Cycling and Trails Master Plan is a long-range recreation and transportation planning document intended to support and guide the planning, design and implementation of cycling and trail facilities to 2030.

The CTMP will provide guidance for the creation of a connected and sustainable cycling and trails network that will improve active living and recreation opportunities for residents and visitors. The plan also includes strategies to grow the cycling and active transportation culture within the Town of Orangeville.

“The Town of Orangeville will provide all of its residents opportunities for active living and high quality of life by ensuring that walking and cycling are convenient, comfortable and sustainable modes of transportation for all ages, abilities and trip purpose.”

The goals and objectives:

• Review and assess the current state of the cycling and trails network

• Build upon the existing and planned cycling and trails network by “filling in the gaps” 

• Follow a balanced approach between the need and desire for additional infrastructure and services, the environment and fiscal priorities

• Build capacity in the network by creating additional high-quality bicycle and trail facilities that connect to places and people throughout Orangeville

• Develop an accessible network to allow people of all ages and abilities to utilize the bicycle and trail facilities to reach destinations throughout the Town

• Address specific areas of concern that are barriers to active travel or are uncomfortable for trail users and cyclists

• Increase the level of cycling and trail use for all trip purposes, and 

• Develop policies and initiatives to create a bicycle and trail friendly Orangeville.

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