
Coyote attacks pet dogs in Orangeville’s Dragonfly Park

August 22, 2024   ·   0 Comments


A recent brazen coyote attack in Orangeville proves that residents need to be cautious when walking their dogs.

Orangeville is an urban locale surrounded by much forest and farm fields frequented by wildlife.

Deputy Mayor Todd Taylor recently took to social media to raise awareness of the incident and to show that encounters with wildlife are still possible.

A resident was walking two dogs in Dragonfly Park when a coyote attacked. The dogs suffered puncture wounds but will fully recover from the injuries.

“The owner was pretty shaken up,” Taylor said.

Not knowing exactly what to do in such a situation, the pet owner called Dufferin OPP, the local OSPCA, and town council.

To avoid encounters with coyotes, property owners should limit food sources such as garbage. Don’t feed animals, wild or pet, outside.

Mice and rats are the coyote’s prey, so ensure garbage can lids are closed tightly to limit the rodents.

If you encounter a coyote, a wolf, or a fox, keep your distance. Don’t turn your back on the animal and back away calmly.

On balance the Dragonfly Park attack was a one-off incident, Taylor said. But it still merits attention from area pet owners and those who enjoy a walk through the park.

“We haven’t had that happen before,” he said. “But people need to be aware and mindful.”

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