January 25, 2024 · 0 Comments
Orangeville taxi operators are being short-changed by unlicensed drivers.
Vikas Kashyap, a local taxi driver, brought his concerns to council Jan. 22 about unlicensed drivers operating. People solicit rides on various social media platforms, he said.
As an example, if you were to ask about anybody going from Orangeville to the airport, he said you’re bound to get as many as a dozen replies from people offering to drive.
But they are not licensed to do so, he said.
Kashyap said he pays a lot of money for his taxi permits and the necessary insurance. And he’d like to know what the town can do to stifle the unlicensed drivers.
Kashyap offered to provide municipal bylaw staff with a list of names taken from social media of people who give such rides.
Antonietta Minichillo, the town’s general manager of corporate services, said staff will review the vehicle for hire bylaw to determine if there are areas for improvement. They will also compare the bylaw to other municipalities.
“For now, there is, in the short term, an appeal process for that bylaw,” Minichillo said.
Mayor Lisa Post said she’s had some questions about unlicensed drivers. Bylaw staff informed her that there are “some sting” operations planned for the coming months.
“We’ve heard complaints from folks about there being unlicensed drivers specifically picking up at a specific establishment,” Post said.
Things read or seen on social media wouldn’t hold up in court, she said.
“They have to be able to catch somebody in the process of driving somebody unlicensed,” Post said.