
Butterfly release upcoming for Hospice Dufferin

July 15, 2021   ·   0 Comments

Help release butterflies into Dufferin County, in memory of a loved one.
Hospice Dufferin will be hosting a virtual butterfly release, to help raise money for programs while providing those that grieve with an opportunity to remember a loved one. 
Butterfly Release for Hospice Dufferin will be held Sunday August 29, as participants release their butterflies to celebrate the life of a loved one, at a location that is special to them.
Participates will purchase their butterflies before the deadline of July 18, and will pick them up at a designated time Thursday August 26, Friday August 27 and Saturday August 28 as outlined on the order form. All efforts will be made to ensure the pickup follows Covid guidelines.
Hospice Dufferin choose this fundraiser because butterflies are nature’s way of reminding us that there is always hope. When the caterpillar is no more, the butterfly is born in ultimate freedom and beauty.
“Covid has made it difficult for families to properly grieve the loss of a loved one.” Maureen Riedler Executive Director said. “With restrictions on funeral and celebration of life ceremonies, more families are struggling with grief than ever before. This event was designed to provide some comfort and to honour those we love.”
Hospice Dufferin is responsible to raise 40 per cent of their operating budget through fundraisers such as The Butterfly Release. Funds raised go directly back to creating programs and services to help empower people living with life-limiting illness, their caregivers and the bereaved to live fully in the face of challenges. 
For more information, please visit Hospice Dufferin’s website or contact Maureen Riedler at

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