
Bethell Hospice planning workshops for National Grief and Bereavement Day

October 20, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Zachary Roman

In November, National Grief and Bereavement Day will be observed on the 15th. Two days later, National Children’s Grief Awareness Day will be observed.

Kelly Stronach, the Bethell Hospice Foundation’s Manager of Marketing and Communications, said the two days provide an opportunity to honour and remember the people we have loved and lost, as well as remind ourselves to acknowledge those who are currently in mourning. 

To commemorate the two days, Stronach explained Bethell Hospice has planned three butterfly workshops in partnership with the Caledon Public Library (CPL).

At the workshops, attendees will create a remembrance paper butterfly that will be added to a special, limited-time art exhibit in Inglewood. 

“Butterflies represent hope and symbolize transformation, and are used around the world to raise awareness about grief and bereavement,” shared Stronach. “A kaleidoscope of these personalized paper butterflies will descend upon the community in a beautiful art exhibit displayed at Coywolf Coffee in Inglewood. Drop by the local coffee shop from November 12 to 21 to view the collection of butterflies created by community participants.”

Anyone can attend the butterfly workshops, which are free. Materials will be provided and members of the Bethell Hospice team will be on hand to assist attendees.

The first workshop is being held at the Albion-Bolton branch of the CPL on October 21 from 1 to 4 p.m.; the second is being held at the Southfields Village branch of the CPL on October 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and the third is being held at the Inglewood branch of the CPL on October 27 from 5 to 8 p.m.

Bethell Hospice serves the Orangeville community.

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