June 29, 2018 · 1 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
A group, incorporated as the Hansen High Density Awareness Group (HHDAG), is opposing a proposed 623-unit residential subdivision behind the Orangeville Mall.
This high-density housing development, has been the subject of talks for several years now. Orangeville Highlands Limited and Brucedale Investments Inc. are behind the prosed development, and are requesting an amendment to the town’s official plan zoning by-law, to build the high-density housing in an area that now has ordinary residential lots.
“Local politicians abdicated their responsibility to Orangeville taxpayers, residents, and voters,” says Dorothy Pedersen, spokesperson for HHDAG.
The rezoning, if approved, would change the current designation of the land from ‘Open Space,’ ‘Medium Density Residential,’ and ‘Open Space Recreation’ to a designation of ‘site specific, to be determined.’
HHDAG, which started out with about 15 members and is looking to recruit more, held a meeting at 59 First Street last Friday evening (June 22).
At the meeting, members identified several concerns for the high density development, including; the town’s off-leash dog park being removed, a potential decline in the water table, increased noise and traffic, less privacy, infrastructure issues, and negative influence on wildlife.
“I think all kinds of nefarious activities will go on here,” says Ms. Pedersen.
Several members discussed how they came to Orangeville to get away from high-density housing. “There’s a bigger thing happening here,” noted one of the members.
“The municipality claims it’s helpless because a high-density quota was dictated to Orangeville by the Government of Ontario, but they rolled over and accepted it,” explained Ms. Pedersen. “They never questioned it, fought it, or defended the right of Orangevillians to decide the population density of their own community. It’s time for our politicians to do that now.”
Another area of concern was with the population increasing, there might be a need for more policing and staff at Headwaters hospital.
Ms. Pedersen indicated they will be contacting Orangeville council before the upcoming municipal election. The group’s next meeting will be at the Meridian Credit Union office on Broadway on July 6, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
I find it interesting that that group HHDAG has no search results using google. The other issue I have is that Ms Pederson cannot be contacted by phone. I tried using canada 411.
I have a problem with her comments. If you did proper screening checking the character background of individuals who would move into the high density areas as renters then their would be no problem. Instead owners do not do their research and many quiet low income people are hurt by your approach. I do not have a lot of money yet it is not very hard for me to separate a problem tenant and a good one. A simple conversation would suffice and the way they dress and look are they scruffy looking mixing a lot of cursing into their language?
If buyers who want to rent a place would just do a proper background check then problems could be avoided. I know somebody who lives in a condo building where the units are rented out and the parents of the tenant above the person I know could not deal with this individual so they decided: “Hey we will just make him someone else’s problem”. Nice.
Ms Pedersen if you wish to have total quiet and isolation perhaps you should sell your house and move farther into the country away from everybody and everything. My friend has had to put up with this trouble for a year now. How much trouble and time have you had to sacrifice in the last year. Tell me that.