
You could have heard a pin drop

November 16, 2016   ·   0 Comments

I would like to show my sincere appreciation to the public and all the schools, nursing and retirement lodges that I had the privilege to visit along with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 233 during the week of Remembrance.

I would like to recognize the kindness of St. Mark’s Church in hosting this year’s Remembrance service, which rotates among different places of worship each year.

It was indeed an honour to be able, as the piper for the Legion, to attend Mono-Amaranth Public School, Westside Secondary School and Caledon Public School. The part that impressed me so much was the tremendous amount of work that these educational facilities put into preparing very meaningful programs to educate all their students in the act of remembrance.

The Avalon, Lord Dufferin Centre and Montgomery Village all made the Honour Guard Colour party feel extremely welcome and made sure all their residents had the opportunity, if able, to attend the service provided.

To the parents of all the students that attended the above-mentioned schools, you should be very proud, as you could have heard a pin drop at any and all schools, which in itself is no small matter when the assembly areas were full to the doors. This silence was taken note of by all in attendance for the entire duration of the service.

Thank you to all that took the time to make these visitations so memorable. It shows ‘We Do Remember Them’ that served so bravely in the Great Wars.

Gordon Mac Cannell

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