
Students struck at ODSS, one transported to hospital with serious, but non-life-threatening injuries

June 20, 2017   ·   0 Comments

On the right side of the photo, the white Ford Crown Victoria that struck four students at ODSS earlier this afternoon before colliding with a grey Jeep. In the background, police speak to the operator of the vehicle, a teenaged male who has been arrested for dangerous driving causing bodily harm. One of the students that was hit in the collision has been transported to Headwaters Health Care Centre with serious, but non-life-threatening injuries.

By Mike Pickford

An Orangeville District Secondary School student has been transported to hospital with serious, but non-life-threatening injuries after being struck be a vehicle in the side parking lot of the school earlier today (June 20).

The student, who has yet to be identified, was treated on the scene by paramedics before being taken to Headwaters Health Care Centre. Three other students were also struck by the vehicle, sustaining only minor injuries before being released by paramedics. A teenaged male is currently in police custody, charged with dangerous driving causing bodily harm.

Both the Orangeville Police Service and Orangeville Fire Department are currently on scene. The side parking lot has been sealed off as police carry out their investigation. Rumours suggesting the school is under lockdown are false says OPS Cst. Scott Davis.

The incident occurred shortly after noon according to police. Early reports indicate the male, behind the wheel of a white Ford Crown Victoria, was driving through the parking lot in an erratic fashion before striking the group of four students. The vehicle later collided with a grey Jeep that was parked in the lot.

On what was the last day of classes before final exams, several students were engaged in an outdoor water fight in the parking lot at the time of the incident, according to some witnesses.

Several members of Upper Grand District School Board’s Crisis Response Team are on site offering support and assistance to students and staff.

“This is an upsetting day. Lots of people say this happen, so there are additional staff from both the board and school available… They are there to help any students and any staff that require assistance, if upset or shaken up. We have people there at the school to help anyone that needs assistance in anyway,” says UGDSB Communications and Community Engagement Officer Heather Loney. She added that exams at the school will run as scheduled, but that additional support will be available for those that need it.

Orangeville Mayor Jeremy Williams, whose children are students at ODSS, was on the scene shortly after police arrived. He thanked all emergency service personnel for their “fast and professional response” to the incident.

“This incident highlights how fragile we all are,” Mayor Williams said. “My heart goes out to all those affected by this senseless tragedy. I’m thankful for the fast and professional response by our emergency services. I’m thankful that UGDSB and ODSS staff, under the direction of (Principal) Bill Lenny have been providing emotional support and assistance to students and parents.”

More information will be provided as it becomes available.

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