
Resorts extend skiing season to April depending on weather

March 11, 2021   ·   0 Comments

Hockley hoping for cold spring

By Brian Lockhart

If you’re into spring skiing this could be a bonus year for you.

Ski hills across Ontario have announced they will be extending the season to give skiers and snowboarders a couple of extra weeks on the slopes.

That, of course, depends on if the weather cooperates.

Ski resorts usually stop operations around the last week in March depending on conditions, but this year they want to make up for lost revenue from when the lockdown forced them to close their hills.

The ‘close order’ was met by frustration by resort operators who had worked hard to get the hills ready for a late December start. After being open for only a few days, they were given the order to close right in the middle of what is the best skiing times of the year.

This did not sit well with the operators as they said all necessary precautions were being taken, and the fact that skiing is outdoors and requires inherent physical distancing, it would be safe for people to be on the hills.

The Hockley Valley Resort has announced they will extend the season to April 5, this year, weather and snow conditions permitting.

The resort has a good solid base, so the snow will be around for a while, however if it does get too warm, conditions could become too sloppy for skiing.

The resort is also offering night skiing on Monday nights for the rest of the year.

If you want to head to the hills you will have to book your lift tickets online and complete a COVID-19 questionnaire. Once you book online you can pick up your tickets at the resort.

Since indoor warming facilities are not open, you can only purchase a half-day lift ticket.

If it stays relatively cold, skiers and snowboarders could enjoy their sport for another four weeks.

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