December 21, 2016 · 0 Comments
OUR CONGRATULATIONS go out this week to the Headwaters Health Care Centre on winning the top award, “Exemplary” from Accreditation Canada.
At a time when we’re hearing almost daily of the enormous wait times at some hospital emergency rooms, it’s surely welcome news that our local hospital excelled in all categories checked out by Accreditation Canada, which traces its origins nearly 100 years, to the establishment in 1917 of a hospital standardization program by the American College of Surgeons (ACS).
In 1951, the Canadian Medical Asso-ciation joined with the ACS to create a Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, which in 2008 was renamed Accreditation Canada. As you’ll see elsewhere in this issue, Headwaters met 100% of Accred-itation Canada’s Required Organizational Practices and 99.9 per cent of almost 2,300 standards. An impressive achievement!