
OSPCA says Doogan’s in Orangeville provides ‘appropriate animal care’

January 28, 2019   ·   0 Comments

By James Matthews

A provincial animal welfare agency has determined animals at Doogan’s pet store in Orangeville are getting appropriate care.

Melissa Kosowan, acting associate director of communication at the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) provincial office, said concerns were reported about animals’ living conditions at Doogan’s on Broadway.

The investigation was borne out of concern described in a recent social media post for the animals’ welfare at the store.

An OSPCA officer visited the store to investigate whether the animals for sale there were receiving appropriate care as outlined under provincial animal welfare legislation.

She said such investigation involve ensuring animals have food, water, shelter, and are being provided necessary care.

“The animals were not observed to be in distress,” she said of the officer’s visit to Doogan’s.

She said the pet store’s owners were cooperative with the investigation and requirements that pertained to animal bedding were addressed.

“At this time we do not have the legal authority to remove the animals,” Ms. Kosowan wrote in an email to The Citizen.

The OSPCA has the authority to remove an animal if an animal is in immediate distress; a veterinarian has recommended the removal of the animal to ensure it gets required care it requires; or Ontario SPCA Act orders have been issued but were not complied with.

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