October 29, 2021 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
Throughout the pandemic, the Orangeville Girl’s Hockey Association has worked hard to keep as many hockey programs available for members as possible and have been successful in keeping people on the ice within the restrictions that have been in place.
This season, the Club is again on the ice with rep tryouts complete and house league getting underway.
The house league will again be able to play teams from Caledon and Brampton for some competition. They couldn’t travel last year due to restrictions.
Girl’s Hockey in Orangeville also host several popular tournaments each year that brings in teams from across the province. The tournaments provide a lot of entertainment for girl’s hockey and provides a healthy boost to the local economy.
The Jamboree for Fundamentals, will take place on March 5 – 6. This is an event for the younger players featuring teams in the U7 and U8 divisions.
The popular Winter Classic DS Tournament for select house league teams will get underway from Feb. 4 to 6.
This tournament brings in enthusiastic house league teams for three days of on-ice action.
The annual Sweetheart Tournament will take place on January 28 to 30.
This will be the 43rd annual tournament. Last year’s tournament did not take place.
The last Sweetheart Tournament took place in January 2020, and brought in 1,275 players and 85 teams from as far away as Timmins to compete.
Games are played at the Alder Street arena, Tony Rose arena, the Ice Corral at Teen Ranch, and even spilled into the arena in neighbouring Erin last time.
There were 12 divisions of young players involved.
The tournament name comes from the name of the first girl’s hockey team in Orangeville – the Orangeville Sweethearts – back when girls hockey was just getting started in town.
The Sweethearts first started playing back in 1974.
The Sweetheart Tournament will run for three days with final championship games played on the final day.