December 1, 2022 · 0 Comments
Residents may have noticed bagged signs along many residential streets that currently allow parking on both sides. The signs are being installed as the Town of Orangeville prepares to implement the one-sided parking bylaw, which will limit parking to just one side on most streets in town.
The upcoming bylaw was passed by the previous term of council for many reasons, including providing easier access for emergency vehicles to pass through streets when responding to a call.
“One of the biggest benefits to this change will be the increased safety aspects it will create on the Town of Orangeville’s residential streets,” explained Tim Kocialek, General Manager Infrastructure Services. “In the past, we have seen situations where emergency services vehicles have been unable to get down streets where vehicles are parked on both sides. In many residential areas, it also leads to safety issues and difficulty for residents maneuvering through packed streets.”
One-sided parking will come into effect on January 3, with a phased-in approach to allow the community time to adjust and the Town of Orangeville to ensure residents are aware of the changes. Tickets will not be issued until Spring 2023, however we encourage the public to begin following the regulations as of January 3.
When the bylaw comes into effect, parking will be restricted on the side of the streets where the fire hydrants are situated. This is to ensure fire trucks are able to safely and easily access hydrants when responding to a fire.
Several areas, such as Broadway, will not be affected by the changes. The winter parking restrictions also remain in effect between December 1 – March 31.
Residents will receive a letter in the mail with more information about the bylaw, as well as information posted on the Town’s website and social media channels in the coming weeks.
Visit for more information.