
OHL hockey legends launch initiative to support two Ontario hospitals

May 21, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Alyssa Parkhill

Sport is more than a competition. It’s about dedication, hard work, teamwork and supporting one another. With that in mind, three Canadian junior hockey legends are aiming to channel that support through Hockey for Health Heroes. 

Sherwood (Sherry) Bassin is known from his 36 years of work in the Ontario Hockey League as general manager, owner and coach with several accomplishments under his belt. Dr. Craig Donaldson, who now works in the ER at Headwaters Health Care Centre, and former Oshawa Generals player Joe Busillo, all played for the Oshawa Generals in 1990, when they won the Memorial Cup. 

Through the heat of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the dedication from the frontline workers in the healthcare system, the former Generals launched Hockey for Health Heroes on the 30th anniversary of the team’s Memorial Cup win, back on May 13, 1990. 

“Now, more than ever, our country has an incredible appreciation for our hospital workers,” said Mr. Bassin. “A country that, during this time of year, would be rallying at the rink or in front of the TV, are now staying home and relying on our local hospitals to keep our families safe. I had the unique opportunity to coach a lot of players that have gone on to serve their communities and Dr. Craig Donaldson was one of them. I wanted to do this event to not only honour Craig and health care professionals like him, but to also remind everyone how much hockey unites us.”

He added, “I want to ask those I’m close to, and the people that are close to them, please, help us recognize the communities that helped us get to where we are today. For many of my former players, teammates and colleagues – that’s Oshawa and Orangeville.” 

The initiative is designed to raise funds with a goal of $25,000 and awareness for local hospital foundations, Headwaters Health Care Foundation and Lakeridge Health Foundation in Oshawa, to be able to provide each hospital with a new Smart IV pump. 

The Smart IV pumps are one of the most vital pieces of equipment for patients in a hospital room, as they monitor and pump medication to patients. They sync with the patient’s information to ensure the right amount of dosage for each specific person. These pieces of equipment are used in several areas of care, but also for many COVID-19 patients in the Intensive Care Units (ICU). 

Headwaters Foundation is excited to be working alongside three prominent hockey legends, through this fundraiser. 

“Headwaters has been overwhelmed by the ongoing generosity and support of our communities, and we are thrilled to be the recipient of such a unique and inspiring fundraiser to support our urgent need for Smart IV Pumps,” said Headwaters CEO Dora Boylen-Pabst. “We wish to thank all our staff that have risen to the challenges COVID-19 has presented, through their hard-earned, philanthropic dollars. Dr. Donaldson and physicians like him, can’t do what they do, without you.” 

To support the initiative visit and create your own personal fundraising or team page or simply donating directly to the event.

“The Foundation has a number of prizes lined up for the top individual and top team fundraisers. We’d like to thank Metro Orangeville and Canadian Outbuildings so far for donating the prizes,” explained Nicole Warren, Senior Coordinator, Direct Response, Marketing and Communications. “We know that COVID has been difficult for many, and so we are hoping our community will enjoy our first-ever virtual event and come together to make a difference.”

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