April 6, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Thomas Claridge
Ontario’s latest annual “Sunshine List,” which since 1996 has been showing the salaries of public servants who earned more than $100,000 in the previous year, was released last Friday. It included a record 123,410 names – up from 115,431 last year – and showed as its top earner Jeff Lyash, CEO of Ontario Power Generation, who collected $1,155,900 in pay and $9,800 in taxable benefits.
Locally, the listed earnings were a lot more modest, the top earner this year again being Martha Rogers, longtime Director of Education for the Upper Grand District School Board, who took in $218,291.71 or a little more than Premier Kathleen Wynne collected for herself, at about $209,000. However, the Director’s income was down from the $226,300 in salary and benefits reported a year ago.
In 2016, no fewer than 199 Upper Grand employees (mostly superintendents, principals and vice-principals) made the list, up from 174 in 2015 and 157 in 2014.
In Dufferin County, the top earner was Orangeville’s chief administrative officer (CAO), Ed Brennan, who was paid $174,027.65, up from about $163,000 he received in 2015. In all, the list included 52 other Town employees, with second place being held by Police Chief Wayne Kalinski at $155,954.30. Interestingly, the Chief’s earnings were not a lot more than those of the next highest-paid member of the Orangeville Police Service, Sergeant Chris Dryden, who earned $144,727.69.
The list included 14 employees of Dufferin County, headed by CAO Sonya Pritchard at $168,674.24, and nine persons employed by the Town of Shelburne, with Police Chief Kent Moore in first place at $145,056.32, ahead of CAO John Telfer at $140,471.80.
The Town of Mono had four names on the list, headed by former CAO Keith McNenly at $138,524.46, while East Garafraxa had just two – CAO Susan Stone, whose workload includes Amaranth, at $125,245.62, and Public Works Director David Menary at $102,764.30.
Elsewhere, the Town of Grand Valley and townships of Melancthon and Mulmur had only single entries on the huge list, and in each case the names were those of their CAOs – Grand Valley’s Jane Wilson at $104,735.40, Melancthon’s Denise Holmes at $113,376.39 and Mulmur’s Terry Horner at $114,078.06.