November 5, 2020 · 0 Comments
By Peter Richardson
Mono Council met Tuesday morning to discuss the affairs of the Town and conduct new business and review outstanding issues.
The first item on the agenda was public questions. There was only one, but it foreshadowed a major concern for Council. Cossette Pathak, a resident of Third Line near Mono Cliffs Provincial Park, wrote in to inquire as to what Council intended to do abut the quote “COVID-19 super-spreader” events taking place at Mono Cliffs every weekend.
Cossete noted that park overflow visitors were using her front lawn as a public toilet and that they had had to break up a couple engaging in sexual activity in front of their property. This provoked a round of comments from Council, including a comment from Deputy Mayor John Creelman, that he was presenting a notice of motion later in the meeting, about the parking situation along Third Line. Coun. Sharon Martin said she wanted to see the letter copied to the park and also to Dufferin County, as Third Line was a County road.
Council had already sent a letter to the park administrator concerning the matter and CAO Mark Early said that he would reach out to Park adminstrators by phone, this week, to follow up. This issue had been discussed at the previous Council meeting and has been an ongoing concern for Council, as the road is used by a number of agricultural businesses to move equipment from site to site and the parking is of major safety concerns as well. Frequently the road is restricted to a single lane.
Deputy Mayor Creelman announced a Notice of Motion for the next Council meeting concerning the parking situation outside Mono Cliffs Park on Third Line. In short, he proposes that staff investigate having no Parking instituted on Third Line, by the Park, on either one side or both sides of the roadway. He also suggests that Provincial Offences Officers be appointed or hired by the Town to enforce these zones. This would free up the OPP to pursue more appropriate duties while still penalizing offenders with tickets.