
Mono Council approves Credit Valley Conservation bid for noise bylaw exemptions

May 12, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Jasen Obermeyer

Mono Council has unanimously granted Credit Valley Conservation’s (CVC) request for temporary exemptions from the Town’s noise by-law, for Canada Day festivities and an outdoor theatrical performance.

At Tuesday’s Council meeting, the big topic tackled was deciding on CVC’s request for a temporary exemption under Mono Noise By-Law 2004-16, specifically section 3.1.

Brought forward by Bill Lidster, CVC’s manager of conservation parks, the days requested for the exemption are July 1 and August 25 to 27.

He explained that for this year’s Canada Day, Orangeville, Mono and Dufferin County are partnering on a number of activities to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. The celebration, held at Island Lake Conservation Area, will include live music from 5:00 to 9:30 p.m., the performers being a local band, The Campfire Poets. Fireworks at Island Lake’s south dam will begin at 10:00 p.m., lasting for 30 minutes.

From August 25 to 27, in partnership with CVC, Theatre Orangeville’s Young Company will put on a theatrical performance of Peter Pan at Island Lake. The performances on August 25 and 26 will end at 9:30 p.m., and the one on August 27 at 5:30 p.m.

The bylaw’s Section 3.1 prohibits electronic amplification after 5:00 p.m., while fireworks are prohibited after 11:00 p.m., and no noise is allowed on Sundays and holidays.

Councillors read a letter from Marc Derby, a resident of the Island Lake Subdivision, who wants to uphold the bylaw. Unable to attend council as he was working, he stated in the letter that he agrees with celebrating Canada Day with fireworks, just not “in an environmentally sensitive area.”

Mr. Lidster explained that since Canada Day falls on a Saturday this year, they’re not in violation of the bylaw, while the fireworks would be ending before 11:00 p.m.

A survey result showed no significant opposition from other neighbouring residents. He added the event is “going to be great for the community and tourism in the area,” and admission will be free after 2:00 p.m., although they will “ask for donations to cover some of the expenses.”

After the presentation and brief discussion amongst themselves, Council unanimously agreed to the noise by-law’s temporary exemption. “I have no problem with this request, I think Credit Valley does a great job,” said Councillor Fred Nix, while Councillor Ralph Manktelow added, “I think it’s just great that we’re having a great celebration for this day, it’s important we do.”

Also on Tuesday, Council discussed Dufferin County’s recent approval of the Town of Mono Legacy Project grant request, for $3500, towards the Town’s pollinator garden. The purpose of the legacy project, part of the Canada 150 Legacy Project funding, is to create a lasting tribute to Dufferin County heritage and Canadian history.

As a condition of the grant, the project must be completed by end of the year, and recognize contribution from Dufferin County. The money will go towards purchasing and creating signs in the garden, for educational purposes, the signage helping to explain to visitors the importance of preserving and protecting pollinators.

Councillors Manktelow and Sharon Martin originally brought the one-acre garden, on Hockley Road beside Headwaters Tourism, forward to Council’s attention at the end of 2015.

Asked for a status on the garden, Councillor Martin said it’s going well and they are excited. “We want it to look good right away, instead of waiting for a few years to come up, we want things you can see.” With help from around 30 volunteers, trees have been planted and plants will shortly put in plants.

“I think we’re representing our people well in the celebrations, and we’re requesting money where money’s due,” added Deputy Mayor Ken McGhee.

The Town set aside $5,000 last year for the construction, and another $5000 for this year, while individual donations have been made. “They want benches, or they want to buy a tree, so that’s available,” said Councillor Martin.

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