
Minor hockey plans for return to the rink

September 8, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

There’s still some work to be done before local hockey teams hit the ice this season. 

Orangeville Minor Hockey held a meeting on Monday (Aug. 31) to discuss return to protocols, however they are going to meet again this week to finalize details of getting teams back on the ice.

It has already been made known through the OMHA that a traditional hockey season will not take place this season. The final details of which format the sport will follow have not been put in place yet.

Orangeville Minor Hockey is working closely with the Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin Public Health Unit and the Town of Orangeville Parks and Recreation department to ensure all programs follow the required guidelines. 

One problem many hockey associations face is ice availability. Some municipalities are delaying putting in ice in their arenas. Others have not yet decided if they will even fire up their ice plants this season.

Some leagues have already announced they will delay the start to any season to December.

In Shelburne, the Minor Hockey Association has announced it is looking at a start date of October 12. 

“Due to COVID the 2020 / 21 season will be modified in format to adhere to all restrictions and protocols as outline by Hockey Canada and our public health unit,” the Shelburne Association said in a staement. “Hockey this season, and the format by which it will run, will be depende upon what stage of reopening we are in and the Hockey Guidelines.

 The current plane is to play a three-on-three format in house league in all age groups and during skill develpment sessions.

There will be no rep league this season and team travel will be limited to centres wtihin the public health unit area if travel is at all permitted.

The Association warned that the current plans are based on the exiting guidelines and that could change if Hockey Canada or public health units deem there is a risk and things are pushed bcak to an eralier stage of reopening.

The Association stressed that they, as an organization, hav no control over the progression of opening stages. 

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