
Melancthon Coun. David Thwaites resigns, cites false allegations of spreading ‘hate’ as reason for leaving

November 13, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Paula Brown

The Township of Melanchthon will be down one councillor, after Coun. David Thwaites resigned from his position last week. 

Melanchthon CAO and Clerk Denise Holmes received a written notification last Friday (Nov. 6) stating that Coun. Thwaites would be resigning from council effective immediately after another councillor accused him of “hate”. 

“I did not sign on to serve where my character and integrity would be attacked when all I have done is to serve with character, hard work and often sacrificing to fulfill my duties and responsibilities,” wrote Thwaites, in his resignation letter. 

Thwaites’ resignation comes after fellow council member Coun. Wayne Hannon said a letter that Thwaites sent out on behalf of the Police Service Board asking the province not the impose diversity mandates on Ontario Police Service boards, was ‘hate’. 

During Melanchthon’s council meeting on Nov. 5, Hannon was asked to apologize and retract his comment – declining to, Thwaites’ referred to it as his “breaking point”. 

In his letter to the CAO, Thwaites said that he was once confronted with the words “welcome to politics” and that he takes issue with the comments. 

“Politics with honour and integrity is one thing, politics to defame and personally attack, be it direct or indirect, has no place at any level but certainly not at a local municipal level of governance,” wrote Thwaites. 

Under the Municipal Act, Melancthon has two options to fill the vacancy created with Thwaites’ resignation. They could issue a call for nomination and appoint a person who has consented to accept the office or they can hold a by-election to fill the vacancy.  

In the 2018 election the three council positions were acclaimed, meaning they were named winners because no one chose to run against them, which means a runner-up from the election cannot be appointed. 

Thwaites’ seat will be declared vacant at the next council meeting. 

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