
Local Syrian families continue to thrive in their new country

September 8, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Syrian families who arrived as new Canadians in the past several months, continue to thrive in Orangeville and Shelburne.

The efforts of independent sponsorship groups along with the support of the community has helped the three families to make the transition, quickly adapt to the language, and navigate a variety of new social systems and institutions.

The Al Haj Ali’s were the first of Dufferin refugees from Syria; they were brought to Canada through the efforts of the Headwaters Refugee Sponsorship group. Emad and Razan Al Haj Ali and their children, nine year old Fatema and eight year old Hamoudi arrived in Orangeville last December. Their newest daughter, baby Sara, was born in Orangeville this spring.

The family has been working enthusiastically to learn English, Brian Logel of the Headwaters’ sponsorship group, said early in the year, that the family “continued their smooth adjustment to life in Canada and their English skills are progressing steadily due their diligent practice.  It is truly amazing how much their English has improved.” 

Parents, Emad and Razan have been attending ESL classes in Erin.

The family is reportedly settling into their new life in Dufferin County and “becoming quite independent,” says Ruth Cruikshank, a friend of the Al Haj Ali family.

Emad will begin a new job, and his family’s journey to becoming self sufficient, this month.

The Hussein-Aloosh family, sponsored by First Line for Syria family in Mono, is also “adjusting very well to life in Canada,” says group member Karin Klouman.

Parents Khaleel and Sabah, arrived with Helin, their teenage daughter, who has moved so successful through English lessons that she was able to have a part time job this summer.

“Helin also successfully completed her first semester at ODSS, where she passed with flying colours.”

Helin has made many friends at school and in the community, already “speaking near-fluent English, after just five months in the country.”

The group feels the parents are adjusting well to life in Canada and says both have completed a work resume workshop and passed a WHMIS course.

First line for Syria also helps support and encourage Mohammed and Rana Aldiri, a government-sponsored family placed in Shelburne.

Their family seven young children between 5 and 12 years of age. The children attended Hyland Heights Elementary in Shelburne for the last term of the year. 

Both Mohammed and Rana Aldiri, study English in Alliston, and have completed the work-shop for resumes.

Like Khaleel and Sabah, they have also passed the WHMIS course and “their English is improving daily,” says Karin.

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