April 6, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
An Orangeville man who made it big as a linesman in the NHL will have his jerseys framed and put on display in two local arenas.
Shandor Alphonso, has been officiating the NHL since 2014. He previously spent three years as an official in the Ontario Hockey League.
Shandor is also a former hockey player, having spent three seasons with the Sudbury Wolves and five years at Lakehead University. He ended his playing career with the Shelburne Senior Muskies.
To honour his achievement as a linesman in the NHL, Orangeville council received a letter from resident Bryan Lavery requesting the jerseys be placed in local arenas.
“When I travel to other arenas, I often see the accomplishments of other local role models on display, and I think Orangeville should be proud to display Shandor’s NHL jersey on walls,” the letter said. “This is not only our community to look up to and admire, but for other visitors coming in as well.”
The project will be funded through donations.
Council voted in favour of a motion to accept the jerseys and have them framed and exhibited at the Alder Street Recreation Centre, and also at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre.
Town staff will now decide on an appropriate location to display the jerseys in the two arenas.