April 9, 2020 · 0 Comments
AS JUST ABOUT EVERYONE knows, most local businesses have been ordered closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There have been some exceptions, inluding supermarkets, pharmacies and liquor stores that have been deemed “essential” (albeit not marijuana outlets, even for their medicinal products).
At present no one knows how long it will take for the virus to subside, and some experts say it wil take months or even years.
In the circumstances, some businesses not currently deemed essential will eventually deserve the classification.
We own it to Toronto Mayor John Tory for pointing out his particular challenge in keeping his hair at the accustomed length, advising viewers that he had purchased some clippers but wasn’t sure how they’d be used and by whom.
Our suggestion: that the current closure of all barbershops be replaced by regulations requiring the shops to be locked and haircuts provided only by appointment, with barber and customer both required to wear masks.
In the case of barbershops with multiple chairs, the rule would be to maintain at least a two-metre distance between all personnel.
And it might well be that similar refinements of outright bans should be considered, so long as they maintained the appropriate “social distancing.”