
Dufferin festival to celebrate local films

September 14, 2023   ·   0 Comments


Many films and television productions have used Orangeville and Dufferin County locales as a backdrop location.

Local talent has even been able to get involved. And Kelly McDowell, an experienced event manager, believes it’s fitting that the region have its own film festival.

McDowell brought her idea for a Dufferin Film Festival to Orangeville council during its regular meeting on Sept. 11.

Her vision for the annual event is to have it hosted by Orangeville in the first year with a view to eventually spread out through the whole county in subsequent editions.

“In Dufferin, we are an amazing talent for having cultural events and community events and there is some spaces and gaps we can fill,” she said.

Initial planning has the festival taking place Aug. 9-10, 2024.

The Orangeville Town Hall Opera House is hoped to be the main venue for the festival, with events at local eateries and restaurants. Many local groups have also jumped aboard the effort, including the Dufferin Arts Council and tourism organizations.

McDowell and a partner run Rose Digital Media Group. They produce commercial productions along with films and short films. They’ve met a lot of contacts over the years who could attend the festival.

As a means of promotion, Rose Digital Media is sponsoring a screenplay writing contest. Industry participants will evaluate the scripts and select a winner.

The winning script will be bought by Rose Digital Media and produced locally to be showcased during the first festival next year.

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