
County Council told of proposed changes to county’s Official Plan

September 22, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Dufferin County Council recently learned of a proposed amendment to the County’s Official Plan. Chris Tyrrell of  MMM Group presented his findings to Warden Laura Ryan and the remaining members of county council last Thursday, September 8th. The purpose of the initiative put forth by Mr. Tyrrell’s firm is to establish revised population forecasts and eventual land needs out to the years 2031 and 2036 as it relates to the town of Shelburne.

These actions were necessary due to the original lack of available municipal services  to accommodate the full 2036 population forecast for the county. Specifically, it is expected that the county will have a population of 81,000 in 2036. Given the number of people that will be residing in the community, it was also necessary to find ways to accommodate the 31,000 jobs needed to support such a population base.

The town of Shelburne has recently undertaken a comprehensive municipal review regarding additional servicing options and improvements to accommodate an eventual population of 10,000. At this time, Shelburne does not anticipate having to undertake an Urban Settlement Area expansion. The report also stated that there is sufficient land supply in both Shelburne and the county to meet the projected employment land needs to 2036.

The county of Dufferin is expected to grow by 25,000 people from 2011 to 2036. Of note, Grand Valley’s population will triple during this time (2700 to 7500). Orangeville will remain the most populated centre, increasing its numbers by 9000 persons. (28,000 to 36,500). In summary, the 2036 population forecast for Shelburne was changed from 8,400 to 10,000 residents. In order to accommodate the increase in population, Dufferin county dwellings must increase by 7000 family units (buildings).

The town of Shelburne will engage in preliminary work to determine the environmental impact of increasing municipal sewage treatment capacity needed to accommodate its eventual increased population.

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