
Community Living Dufferin to operate concessions at Orangeville arenas

July 27, 2023   ·   0 Comments


Community Living Dufferin (CLD) will continue to operate the concession stands at Orangeville’s two arenas.

Town council approved a new agreement on July 10 that will allow CLD clients to provide concession services at the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre and the Alder Street arena from Aug. 1, 2023, until Dec. 31, 2026. There’s also an option for two more years at the end of that term.

“It is a match made in heaven,” said Heather Savage, the town’s general manager of community services.

CLD approached the Community Services Department in late 2018 with interest in operating concession stands at both sports facilities.

The concessions are operated under a social enterprise model that would provide CLD clients with transferrable work skills to enhance long-term employment opportunities within the community.

The CLD concession agreement was first brought to the council in August 2019, with a recommendation to approve the agreement for the period of Aug. 30, 2019, to Dec. 30, 2022.

It was recommended to enter into an initial three-year and four-month pact with CLD for concession operations in the town’s two arenas.

Savage said the relationship has been well received by patrons of the arenas, CLD participants, and even students at schools adjacent to each arena.

“It’s a very good partnership,” she said.

Councillor Debbie Sherwood said the relationship serves many community entities.

Coun. Joe Andrews echoed Sherwood’s comments. But, he said, there needs to be consistency in the concessions’ hours of operation.

“I think the community is benefitting from this, but also the participants in the Community Living Dufferin organization,” Andrews said.

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