January 5, 2017 · 0 Comments
There is a great more to healing than popping a pill or, even, sustaining oneself on supplements. The answer is to approach health issues from the point of view of the whole body and understanding what that means.
To know how a Homeopath helps a person to get better or improve his/her health, it is helpful to know more about the subject.
A registered homeopath, a member of Homeopaths of Ontario, which is part the provincial system of regulated Homeopathy, for which she studied for six years, Christina Barrett explained, “Homeopathy is similar to Naturopathy. It deals with the whole body, which means not only the physical body, but also the mental and emotional health of the person. Most symptoms are connected to one problem.
“Symptoms is the body’s way of talking about what is the problem really.”
Ms. Barrett told us something of the difference in which the two healing systems work: “Many naturopaths deal with a problem specific approach – acute treatment. In this case, they are still treating the symptom and not the person as a whole.”
Taking on a person’s lifetime of health, Ms. Barrett elucidated, “We believe that it begins with the birth story: stress, upset during pregnancy, and so, born with these emotions, infants can have anger, nightmares – could go on two or three years.”
She continued by saying, “Hopefully, you can catch it. If you don’t, the problem can continue with anger, anxiety – this is the first perception of the world.”
Here are the results of not dealing with anger and anxiety early on: “The strain [of anger and other heavily negative emotions] on the adrenal, this causes strain on others, specifically the thyroids.”
To dispel the possible misconception about Homeopathy, “We’re not saying you’ll never take medicine again – I’m an asthmatic – but medicine should be complementary. I look on what I do as giving options. Every human being has a constitution.”
Studies of twins where stress is applied, showed the weakest link is what is going to give: “We look for the constitutional remedy and use that to support the constitution so that, under stress, that weak link doesn’t give out.
“We work with constitutional remedies according to types.”
Early on in her life deciding days, Ms. Barrett thought she wanted to go into conventional medicine. Then she became ill and was told “there’s nothing we can do for you.”
However, she realized there is always something you can do and turned to homeopathic medicine, which provided a remedy that solved her condition.
“We look for other answers, even if it’s outside our field,” she assured us.
She began her studies of Homeopathy under the mentorship of Ron Harris, attending the Canadian Institute of Homeopathy Medicine in Kitchener Waterloo. It was a full time, six years course of study. There was clinic work two or three days a week and time in class, as well as by correspondence.
Ms. Barrett also carried two jobs in order to put herself through this education. When the basics were done, she stayed on for an extra two years.
Ron Harris, her mentor, had been practicing for over 40 years and was 83 by the time Ms. Barrett was finished her courses.
Proud of her association with Ron Harris, she said, “He was a pioneer and was involved with the British Institute of Homeopathy. When I met him in Waterloo, he only took two students every five years. I was the youngest student he every took and the only one fresh out of high school.”
In the last 10 to 15 years, once scientists discovered Mitochondria, the energy centre of every cell, “what we’ve discovered is when you introduce am energy signal [like a vibration], it changes the mitochondria and thereby every cell in your body to help the body heal itself. That’s why we need to know about the whole person.”
So, to begin a treatment with homeopathy, “we basically listen to the mental, physical, emotional state – we ask questions that can seem unusual – beware of stuff that seems normal.”
Supplements are, as Ms. Barrett explained, “exactly what they sound like – making up for what the body is lacking or needs more of. Homeopathic is stimulating your body into healing itself.”
Ms. Barrett works with stress, sleep disorder and the like.
“The North American diet is carbs, sugar, caffeine – nobody’s sleeping, resulting in high cortisol levels and higher levels of fat being stored.”
Keeping stress under control and sleep patterns healthy is so important to overall well being that it Ms. Barrett’s focus in her practice.
She informed us, “I’ve been in the Orangeville area and started my practice over 12 years ago. I am very open minded to anything that is alternative and I am working very hard to stay here. It takes a lot of time to do it properly.”
With a new office in the Spatique in Hockley Village, owned and managed by Arvella Giesbrecht, Ms. Barrett is “very excited to work with Arvella and Jessica [Greco, Wilowtree Hair Design, along with Michael Hillier, RMT].
“There’s an oak tree in the yard and other trees around – it a very healing environment.”
Christina Barrett’s contact address is: healingbycaring@hotmail.com