
Anglers return to Island Lake for shoreline fishing only

May 21, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The fish are still in the water at the Island Lake Conservation area and anglers are now allowed back into the park to try their luck at casting their lures in hopes of catching the big one.

For now, fishing can only take place from the shore as water craft are not yet allowed to enter from the boat launch or any other point in the lake.

The Conservation Area is currently in the first phase of its re-opening which allows fishing, as well as hiking along the trails that wind through the 400-acre site.

While bass season has not yet started, anglers can cast for pike, crappie, perch, and sunfish.

There are many choice fishing spots along the lake and there are several fishing docks built along the shore that give a nice place to get a decent cast across the water.

“When I have the kids, I come here,” said  Gabriel, who brought his sons Giovanni and Nicholas to try their luck. “It’s safe for them because I usually do river fishing and I don’t think the kids are old enough to do that. We’re fishing for whatever we hit – but there’s nothing biting today.”

While casting your line and trying to entice a fish to bite is still the basic way of trying to haul in a big one, technology now plays a part in the game.

Gabriel was using his iPhone that has a special app for fishing.

The phone acts as a fish finder and signals when fish are nearby. It also provides the size of the fish and even the temperature of the water without ever leaving the user’s hand.

The fish finder can detect fish as small as one-inch as they swim by the dock.

The good weather on the weekend brought a lot of people out to the park.

Since the park is not fully open and no facilities are available, admission is free for the month of May.

The Conservation Area is limiting the number of people allowed in the park at a given time to promote physical distancing so you may have to wait to get in if they reach the maximum allowable limit.

You can follow the Conservation Area’s progress as they prepare to open by visiting the Island Lake or Credit Valley Conservation Authority websites.

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