July 26, 2018 · 0 Comments
AMID ALL THE CONTROVERSY over the safe injection sites in Toronto which the Ford government wants to close, it’s easy to forget that the problem of drug overdoses isn’t found only in the big cities.
Accordingly, we applaud the group of local not-for-profit agencies that this week came together to commemorate those from the community who have lost their lives to addiction.
Family Transition Place was one of the community stakeholders that assisted in the installation of a memorial plaque at Dods & McNair Funeral Home after it had planted a tree to remember those who have died over the years because of an overdose.
Sadly, we in Dufferin County are not immune to this frightening epidemic. Local emergency responders have noticed a significant increase in overdose cases over the past two years.
As a result, the collaborating agencies, FTP included, wanted to raise the public’s awareness and promote education to help prevent future such tragedies from occurring.