March 9, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Sam Odrowski
Orangeville council received an update on how the Alder Street Recreation Centre’s pool replacement project is coming along at a regular meeting last Monday (Feb. 27).
The good news is the stainless steel liner for the main pool and lap pool has been installed, and welding work is now being
The Alder pool has been shut down since 2021 for an expansion and replacement of its vinyl liner with stainless steel. The project has been delayed due to structural and supply chain issues, but the Town of Orangeville shared in December 2022 that it will open in the spring of 2023.
Councillor Prendergast noted that she gets a lot of inquiries from families about when the pool will open, particularly those involved with the Orangeville Otters swim club. The swim group has had to travel to the other side of town for practice.
With spring around the corner, she asked Orangeville’s CAO, Ray Osmond, if the project’s completion was still on target.
Osmond said the pool project is coming along well, and the intention is to complete it by late March or early April. However, after it’s finished, it will take three weeks to a month to get staff trained, and the pool prepped for public use.
“We don’t anticipate opening the pool for lessons until the summer,” said Osmond.
He noted that a soft opening for recreational and training usage would happen before that.
A full report on the status of the Alder pool and a firm date for its opening will be determined at a meeting with Osmond, town staff and contractors this Friday.
Information will be shared with the public shortly thereafter.