November 24, 2017 · 0 Comments
IT WILL BE INTERESTING to see how many Orangeville car owners accept the Town’s invitation to park vehicles overnight at Rotary and Fendley parks once the ban on overnight street parking takes effect Friday of next week, December 1.
Our suspicion is that few of those who have routinely left cars on their street really have no alternative, since most homes have garages and driveways that will accommodate at least one vehicle.
That being the case, we don’t think many cars will be found in the two parks until we are fully into the holiday season, when our residents have family members coming home for the Yuletide.
We are also pleased to see that the Town is avoiding a repetition of the scenario last year when something like 200 tickets were handed out on what a lot of residents didn’t realize was the first day of the overnight parking ban.
Until this yeasr, the overnight bans ran from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., and as a consequence a lot of residents didn’t realize they risked getting ticketed when they left their vehicles on the street on the evening of November 30.
This time, the ban to permit plowing and sanding will be only from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m.