
Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin enhances support for employers

February 2, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Paula Brown, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Local employers trying to find their next employee, get information on the labour market or need help applying for government grants can now access all these resources through one online space. 

The Workforce Planning Board (WPB) of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin launched the Employer Resource Corner, an online resource connecting employers with recruitment tools, on Jan. 24. 

“Our conversations with employers, especially smaller employers, always revolve around where they can find resources to help them meet their recruitment and retention strategies,” said Charlene Hofbauer, executive director at the WPB of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin. “When you are struggling to keep your business afloat, one-stop resources like this one can help you find those organizations who connect with jobseekers or can help you find that expert in your area. The more resources that we get out there, the more we can help small businesses stay open and grow.” 

The Employer Resource Corner was developed following last year’s local labour market consultation sessions held by the WPB of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin. The organization heard common and reoccurring themes from businesses on the struggle to find resources supporting their recruiting and retention strategies. 

The web page for the new online recruitment tool features links for employers to find workers, workforce planning resources, grants and business supports, including municipal, provincial, and federal. 

“These resources will help small and medium-sized businesses save time searching, and more time growing their business,” wrote the Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin. 

The Employer Resource Corner is dedicated to being a one-stop website of business supports customized for employers in the Waterloo Region, Guelph, Wellington County and Dufferin County. 

Those interested can access the Employer Resource Corner at

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